To calculate the cost of charging your EV, start with the cost per kilowatt-hour (kWh) of electricity in your area multiplied by the total kWh needed to charge your EV battery. EnergySage puts the average electric rate in Orange County at 34 cents per kWh. Using that number reveals the total cost of charging the following electric cars.
The cost can vary depending on where you power up, with home charging providing the cheapest option, mainly if you use an ordinary 110-volt outlet and schedule charging to take place at off-peak times, which is between 9 PM and 4 AM when prices drop to as little as 26 cents per kWh for Southern California Edison customers. This type of charging typically takes the longest.
You’ll find public Level 2 charging stations at many retail and office parking lots and parking garages. Costs vary by provider, but the average in California is about 30 cents per kWh, according to DriveClean, CA. Because such stations use 240 volts in residential applications or 208 volts in commercial applications, they charge to full faster. Direct Current Fast Charging (DCFC) is available in many of the exact locations as Level 2 stations and can charge your battery to 80 percent in 20 minutes to an hour. The cost for this application is about 40 cents per kWh.
Do you need more information about the cost of charging an electric car, or do you want to experience one of these high-tech wonders in person? Then contact the dealers at the Beach Boulevard of Cars, and we’ll be happy to help.
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